Wes Ward Named as New Head of Moody Radio

Broadcast media and ministry veteran, Wes Ward, has been named as Moody Radio’s new vice president, taking the mantle from retiring vice president, Doug Hastings, effective February 7, 2022.
Ward comes to Moody Radio with extensive experience leading radio and other ministries, including leadership roles at KCBI-FM Dallas, FamilyLife, and Revive Our Hearts. In fact, this is a homecoming for Ward, as he also served as national program director for Moody Radio during the late 1990’s alongside Doug Hastings and the late Bob Neff.
“Wes brings significant experience to Moody Radio,” said Mark Wagner, chief operating officer at Moody Bible Institute. “His background both in broadcasting as well as leadership roles in key content-driven ministries, such as Revive Our Hearts, makes him an ideal candidate to become the next leader of Moody Radio.”
A native of North Texas, Ward currently resides near South Bend, Ind. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication and PR from Midwestern State University, and studied in the master’s program in Religious Education at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
“I’m honored to be asked to serve in a legacy ministry like Moody that has glorified God and made so many disciples over the past 135 years,” said Ward. “I'm looking forward to serving the Moody Radio team and partners to advance the gospel with continued boldness and innovation, trusting God will enable us for the task.” He adds, “It is a humbling assignment to follow in the footsteps of my friend, Doug Hastings, someone for whom I have immense respect, admiration, and love for his integrity and Christian faithfulness.”
Ward found his calling and love for Christian broadcasting at the young age of 16, when he began working at a local Christian radio station. This sparked a career that spans three decades in various radio and ministry leadership roles. Prior to joining Moody Radio as vice president, Wes served as executive pastor of ministry development at Gospel City Church in South Bend, Ind., where he and his staff ministered to the congregation through operational and administrative church support.
Wes is a recognized leader among the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) and has served as a NRB board member for more than 20 years.
“We’ve been praying for God’s appointed person to step into this role,” said Doug Hastings, “and I am so excited to pass the baton on to Wes in leading Moody Radio into this next, exciting season of growth.” Hastings added, “As we seek to double our radio impact by 2030, I know our team will thrive under Wes’s leadership of reaching more people with the gospel and helping them take their next step in their journey with Jesus Christ.”
Ward met his wife, Carrie, in college through a campus ministry and they have been married for 29 years. They have four adult children, all of whom love the Lord deeply. Ward and his wife love the outdoors, and Wes can often be found taking long hikes with “Hairy” their Great Pyrenees.
For more information about Moody Radio and how to locate a station and its program schedule, please visit www.moodyradio.org.